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Competitive Media

Radio boosts the memorability of TV campaigns



On Television


On the Radio


On the Internet


On Social Media


On Mobiles



On Television


On the Radio


On the Internet


On Social Media


On Mobiles

Ads are trusted on Mass Media3

  • Recommendations from people I know 82% 82%
  • Consumer opinions posted online (reviews) 66% 66%
  • Ads in Newspapers 65% 65%
  • Ads on TV 63% 63%
  • Ads on the Radio 60% 60%
  • Billboards / Outdoor 57% 57%
  • Ads served in Search Engine results 49% 49%
  • Online video ads 47% 47%
  • Ads on social networks 42% 42%
  • Online banner ads 41% 41%
  • Ads on mobile devices 39% 39%


Millennials trust advertisers on radio more than on social and mobile.

Gen X’ers

Amongst Gen X’ers, television and radio drive awareness and recall and have highest trust factors.


Boomers trust digital platforms the least and have the highest awareness and recall with mass media.

AM/FM Radio drives digital search4

Though typically unattributed to radio, nearly 5-in-10 Canadian adults say that hearing an ad on AM/FM radio led them to seek out more info online.

Radio can reach more Canadians in one week than any social platform.5

AM/FM radio reaches 22 times as many Canadians as ad supported Spotify.6

18-34 year old’s are 9x more likely to hear an ad on AM/FM radio vs. Spotify.7

Radio boosts the memorability of TV Campaigns11

35% of Canadians 25-54 are light TV viewers.8

25-54 light TV viewers represent 17% of total TV time spent.9

AM/FM Radio reaches 88% of 25-54 light TV viewers.10


TV ad recall among those who did not hear the radio ad


TV ad recall among those who heard the radio ad

AM/FM Radio provides the soundtrack for the last mile in the Path to Purchase13

Listened to AM/FM Radio while going to — or doing this:

  • Shopping at a mall or plaza 77% 77%
  • Grocery shopping 76% 76%
  • To the drug store / pharmacy 76% 76%
  • Hardware / home-improvement store 75% 75%
  • Stopping at a coffee shop 75% 75%
  • Picking up lottery tickets 75% 75%
  • Take your car/truck in for servicing 75% 75%
  • Fast food restaurant or drive-thru 74% 74%
  • To the bank 74% 74%
  • To a movie 74% 74%
  • A casual or fine dining restaurant 74% 74%
  • Stopping for beer, wine or liquor 71% 71%
  • Visiting a car dealership 69% 69%

AM/FM Radio activates affluent consumers

Nearly two-thirds of Canadian adults in affluent households report having acted on an ad they heard on the radio, especially on the last mile in the path to purchase. Canadians in affluent households spend more time in their cars or trucks, making them much more likely to be influenced by an ad they heard in the car.14


  1. Asking Canadians
  2. Asking Canadians
  3. Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Report (Sept 2015) North American response only – online survey
  4. R2C2 Study Spring 2018
  5. Radio on the Move
  6. Radio on the Move
  7. Radio on the Move
  1. Numeris Spring 2018 RTS
  2. Numeris Spring 2018 RTS
  3. Numeris Spring 2018 RTS
  4. Nielsen 2018 Study-Major US Insurance Company
  5. Nielsen 2018 Study-Major US Insurance Company
  6. Radio on the Move
  7. The Canadian Podcast Listener—a Landscape Study / Summer 2017 & May 2018